Wednesday, August 31, 2016

How to crack an interview

how to crack an interview

Going for an interview is not an easy job especially if you are going for
the first time. One of the main reason behind every unsuccessful interview is nervousness. So be calm and confident.

Plan before the interview :

Planning is always a good option for doing anything like shopping, going for a picnic etc, and when it comes to interview its a Must. If you plan certain things before the day of interview can help you a lot

  • Prepare some answers that are commonly asked in an interview
  • Also prepare some questions that you are going to ask the interviewer ( don't ask how many holidays you are gonna get :D ) ask something which will show that you are interested in the job.
  • Read about the company in their website and collect all the essential information like what type of business the company do, what are the policies, their plans. So you can prepare yourself to share your views and ideas if any situation comes up.
  • Review your CV thoroughly and if there any problematic aspect prepare yourself how to explain it to the interviewer.
  • Choose your dress the night before the interview.
  • Last but not the least, get a good sleep which is very important.

Things to take in the interview :

  • Your CV, letter of application and interview invitation
  • Your Exam certificates, Extra qualification certificate (if any) original and photo copy
  • pen and a short notepad
  • Photo ID proof (driving license or passport)
  • Job description and person specification
  • Make good impression
  • Answer the questions clearly 
  • Don't talk about any personal problems
  • Show a positive body language
  • Give a firm handshake to your interviewer(s) before and after
  • Relax and sit naturally
  • Let your personality shine

Things an interviewer want to look in an employee :

Confidence is the first thing an interviewer look for. Confidence plays a very important role in any interview

It does'nt matter in what language you communicate, you should be fluent and engage your listeners by talking to the point and also making sense because communication power is the second thing an interviewer look for

Almost every interviewer ask some questions which are out of the box to see your presence of mind because in a job often situations arise which are out of the syllabus where your presence of mind plays the key role and not your maths skills.

These are the three major things an interviewer look in you.

Hope this article will help you prepare for your next job interview

Tip : Before going for the interview, prepare some anticipated questions and practice them by standing in front of a mirror.

Just try it, you might thank me later ;)

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