Monday, February 20, 2017

10 types of Men and Women You should never marry for a better life

10 types of Men and Women You should never marry for a better life

Marriage is a very important part in anyone's life and choosing a perfect partner to spend the whole life together is even more important. There is no proven theory to select a perfect life partner but we can still figure out a person's nature by observing their behaviour.

Don't fall for the handsome face or a beautiful figure, rather try to see the inner beauty of the person. Marriage is not for some days or years, it is for the whole life. So it is very essential to know how important are you for them. So here are some points which can help you in identifying the person you shouldn't marry.

10 types of Women a Man should never Marry

10 types of Women a Man should never Marry

1. The Gold - digger

This is the most important thing a man should look before marrying a woman. Is she loves you ? or only loves your bank account ? Be careful with women who are only interested in costly materials you buy for her and not in you. Just stay away as far as possible from these kind of women.

2. The Late Night Texter

The girl who only texts you after midnight means she need someone to talk with because most probably others are sleeping. She might not feeling sleepy and want to use you for a time pass. You will not get any response from these person for weeks and then suddenly a " are you ?" message. It means she need something or nothing else to do. Always ignore these people.

3. The Liar

A relationship cannot go far if it is based on lies. Never trust a woman who is constantly lying to you.

4. The Flake

These kind of women will take you as granted. She will constantly change plans and will never be on time or place she promised would be and will always keep you waiting. She will never give you priority which you deserve.

5. The Flirt

Always avoid women who flirts with strangers, waiters, cab drivers and even with your friends. The woman with whom you want to spend the whole life should flirt with only You and not with the whole world. You will never want to see your wife flirting with strangers in front of you or in your absence.

6. The Partier

The girl who loves to do parties all the time can never become serious about life. Life is alot more than just doing parties. You might like going out with girls who loves to do parties but believe me she cannot show the maturity that needs to lead a successful and happy life.

7. The Immodest Dresser

No man would like his lady putting her body on display for the rest of the world to see. I would say, marry a girl who respect her body and keep it covered and modest.

8. The Negative Nancy

These kind of woman always finds out something negative out of nothing. It doesn't matter how perfectly you do things for her, she will always give you a negative feedback. It can really dishearten you, which will eventually hurt your relationship.

9. The Quick To Judge

Don't marry a woman who always judge others too fast. Throwing judgement on others is a very bad habbit. It can also make you life under someones judgement and can hinder you from finding any type of outside friendships.

10. The Cheater

Never marry a girl who can cheat someone for you just because you are better than him in wealth or looks. She can do the same with you if she finds someone better than you. Always stay away from such women who is always searching for better replacement. Say away, you deserve better.

10 Types of Men a woman should never marry

10 Types of Men a woman should never marry

1. The Slacker

Never marry a man with no vision, dreams, passion or goals to achieve. It will feel good at first when he is always free and replies to your messages instantly. But believe me life will become boring with someone with no ambition in his life and crawling in the world aimlessly.

2. The Late Night Texter

A man who only texts you after midnight means he need someone to talk with because most probably others are sleeping. He might not feeling sleepy and want to use you for a time pass. You will not get any response from this person for weeks and then suddenly a " are you ?" message. It means he need something or nothing else to do. Always ignore these people.

3. The Liar

A relationship cannot go far if it is based on lies. Never trust a man who is constantly lying to you. Always avoid these kind of people.

4. The Flake

These kind of men will take you as granted. He will constantly change plans, will never be on time or place he promised would be and will always keep you waiting. He will never give you priority which you deserve.

5. The Flirt

Always avoid men who flirts with strangers, waitresses and even with your friends. The man with whom you want to spend the whole life should flirt with only You and not the whole world. You will never want to see your man flirting with strangers in front of you or in your absence.

6. The Partier

The boys who loves to do parties all the time can never become serious about life. Life is alot more than just doing parties. You might like going out with boys who loves to do parties but believe me he cannot show the maturity that needs to lead a successful and happy life.

7. The Hypocrite

He goes back and forth between his beliefs, standards, and regulations of life. Most of the time this man will change things to better suit his personal life. Don’t expect yourself to have a thriving relationship with someone who is constantly hypocritical in their words and actions.

8. The Sex Addict

You should love a man who loves your heart your visions, your kindness and not just your body. Try to avoid men who always talks about sex and try to find a way to put you on his bed. Remember, you are not a sex object.

9. The Jerk

It is needless to say that you should not marry a jerk. If you are thinking he will change after marriage, believe me he will not. Instead find someone who is kind, generous, selfless, and chivalrous. The most embarrassing thing will be to bring your man in public, becsuse of his attitude.

10. The Cheater

Never marry a man who can cheat someone for you, just because you are better than her in wealth or looks. He can do the same with you if he finds someone better than you. Always stay away from such men who is always searching for a better replacement. Stay away, you deserve better.

As I said in the begining, there is no proven theory to find a perfect life partner but you can always try to find someone who suits you the best. Try to find the person who cares for you, gets worried about you and respects your values and opinions.

Have a Great life.

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