Saturday, February 11, 2017

5 Most Bizarre World Records held by Indians

5 most bizarre world records held by Indians

It is not an easy task to figure out, what human beings are capable of and what not. There are many things which might sound impossible for us (normal people) but can be done by superhumans.

Do you know who are these superhumans? Well, there are many peoples in this world from different countries who has the ability to do something extra ordinary. Some people can dip their hands in hot boiling oil, some can pull an aeroplane with their hair and many things which seems impossible. Scientists are continuously researching on them, trying to solve the puzzle, how do they do it?

There are also some world records which may look weird but definetly not everyone's cup of tea. Today we will show you 5 bizarre world records held by Indians

1. World's Largest Moustache

World's Largest Moustache

There are many Indians who are famous for their moustache. But, Ram Singh Chauhan's moustache cannot be compared with others. His Moustache measured  4.29m (14 ft) on the sets of the Italian TV Show "Lo Show dei Record" in 2010. "Muche ho toh Ram Singh Chauhan jaisi".

2. Typing fastest sentence with Nose

Typing fastest sentence with Nose

It may look weird, but Mohammed Khurshid Hussain, from hyderabad holds a world of typing out the sentence in record time. He said, “Guinness World Records have challenged me to type this sentence using my nose in the fastest time” and he did it in 48.62 seconds. Its look weird but not everyone has the ability to do it.

3. Largest number of World Record Holder

Largest number of World Record Holder

It takes years of practice and precision to make a new world record and Hari Prakash himself holds 22 world records which are still unbroken. He holds a record of having most number of tattoos on his body. He also renamed himself as Guiness Rishi. He also holds a record for delivering a pizza from New Delhi to San Francisco.

4. World's Longest Nails

World's Longest Nails

Shridhar Chillal holds a weird world record for having the longest nails in the world which measures 909.6 cm (358 inches) in combined with the longest nail in his thumb measuring 197.8 cm (77.87 inces). He also wishes that his nails should be kept in museam after his death.

5. Most Worms Eaten in a Single Minute

Most Worms Eaten in a Single Minute

Well, this is the most creepy world record in the list. This is utterly disgusting but its a world record and a person with some special ability or power can do this. John Peter, a normal guy who looks like us and not an alien, in his 20's has a very unsual diet. His breakfast includes dosa and earthworms, 10-20 lizards for a mid-day snack, and a dinner of dal and dragonflies. He holds a world record for the maximum number of earth-worms eaten in a single minute.

So do you have any special ability or any bizarre habbit which nobody can do better than you? 

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