Saturday, August 27, 2016

Narendra Modi : Task force would be set up for future Olympics

For better performance of India in future Olympics, Prime Minister of India
, Narendra Modi at the meeting of the Union Council of Ministers on friday announced that for effective participation of Indian sportspersons a Task Force would be set up.

The Task Force will be set up within next few days and will work on training, selection procedures and it will also prepare the overall strategy for sport facilities and other related matters.

An official Statement said Task Force will have members who are expert in-house and are those from outside aswell.

On the basis of performance of individual athletes in last 12 months before Olympics, Indian ministry had projected that India will win 10 to 14 medals at Rio games. But according to the investigation by The Indian Express will show the mismanagement and most of the financial support arrived in the last 8 months before the Olympics. Sports Authority of India (SAI) Director General Injetti Srinivas speaking to The Indian Express said about the need of "long term" goals and mention which is what Task Force will aim to do.

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